Sunday, January 1, 2012


Between two lungs it was released
The breath that passed from you to me
That flew between us as we slept
That slipped from your mouth into mine
It crept between two lungs
It was released
The breath that passed from you to me
That flew between us as we slept
That slipped from your mouth into mine
It crept

Because it was trapped
Tapped between two lungs
It was trapped between two lungs

Now all the days of begging
The days of theft
No more gasping for a breath
The air has filled me head-to-toe
And I can see the ground far below
I have this breath and I hold it tight
And I keep it in my chest with all my mgiht
I pray to god this breath will last
As it pushes past my lips

True love has no bound, no ties or definitions to hold it down, just a real feeling shared by two people who know forever there will be nobody the same in the their hearts.
There will never be anyone the same, the feelings were always too deep.

I would give anything for one day with your hand in mine.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Settling In

I can't believe the Christmas season is here. I have my silver tinsel tree up in the corner of my tiny little living room.  It's topped with a very cute sock monkey ornament that my Dad surprised me with last week. 

Today marks the first week of living in my apartment. One area of my living room looks like a abandoned Occupy camp with all its boxes and flotsam I have yet to unpack.

Overall it's been really nice and the apartment is coming together. I have been so focused on moving that I have done next to zero shopping for Christmas. I plan on braving the insanity this afternoon when I get off from work.
Also, I've decided, with all of two weeks to Christmas, to knit some gifts.  I still haven't picked out yarn or patterns, and I a million things going on work wise, but I am determined to knit for two family members. This could equal total and complete disaster...

Sunday, December 4, 2011


This past week I finally moved into my apartment, raising the grand total of moves I've made in the past three years to five. 

Five times.

This is especially mindblowing considering I lived in the same house for almost 18 years before my parents bought the big ass house (the official term for our new family home).  I moved to California, back to home, and now to my own place.

It was an intense move.  Moving of course is always intense but this one was overwhelming at times.  I've lived away from home, lived on campus when I was in college, but I've never really lived alone.  The fact that from now on it's just me hit me like a semi.

In some ways it's incredibly exciting to have this complete fresh start in my life, in others it's so heartbreaking I feel like I can't breathe.

I've never been in the position where I have nobody but myself to answer to.  I feel very free and in control of my life.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Obligatory First Post

I've tried blogging in the past, but really didn't have anything to say. After all, I was living a pretty comfortable existence with relatively few problems, and those I had were purely first world in nature.

Probably nothing has changed since then.  Maybe it has. I don't know. All I know is that my life went from being superficially fine to completely complicated in the span of a year.  Now that the dust has settled, I'm on the road to finding myself, my joy and my true path. Or something zen and insightful like that.

So here's my public forum for my personal rants, to keep track of my knitting and adventures.